Four days after falling from a ladder, a 36-year-old man is seen in the ER. On examination, his right leg has spastic muscle ton
e. His left leg appears to have normal muscle tone. Perception of pin and temperature sensations are reduced in the left leg and trunk. Perception of vibration and position sense, however, are reduced in the right leg and trunk. Hypotonia and fasciculations are seen in the right upper limb. The left upper limb has normal muscle tone. 1. A lesion of which of the following most likely explains the sensory loss in the right lower limb and trunk of this patient?
a) Dorsal column on the right
b) Anterolateral tract with the right
c) Anterolateral tract in the left
d) Lateral funiculus on the right
e) Dorsal column on the left
2. A lesion of which of the following most likely results in the sensory loss seen in the left leg and trunk?
a) Dorsal column on the right
b) Anterolateral tract with the right
c) Anterolateral tract in the left
d) Lateral funiculus on the right
e) Dorsal column on the left
3. A lesion in which of the following best explains the spastic muscle in the right leg?
a) The dorsal column on the right
b) The anterolateral tract at the right
c) The ventral horn on the right
d) The lateral funiculus on the right
e) The anterior white commissure on the right.
4. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Spinal cord transection
b. Syringomyelia
c. Tabes dorsalis
d. Brown-Sequard syndrome
e. Guillian-Barre syndrome
We are different individual the insulin is Depending on how
the body makes and uses insulin can determine which type of diabetes the person
may be diagnosed with. If a person has Type 1 diabetes, then their body is not
producing any insulin at all, and if the other has diabetes Type 2 then their
body is producing fluctuated levels of glucose.