Answer: Independent variable is what is being modified, it is important to compare it to your control group, (which is the original).
Dependent variable is what is being measured, to compare it to the control group to see if your hypothesis works or not.
Explanation: Here's a(n) example:
Bob wanted to take a mint with a mint drop, and he wanted to measure if it can make his breath fresher, but he also wanted to take it with a regular mint to see which is the freshest breath.
Independent variable: Mint drop.
Dependent Variable: Breath (To see if it is going to change with a mint drop.)
Control Group- Regular mint.
An example of vesiscle-mediated transport would be cell secretion by exocytosis.
The reason why this would be an example of vesicle-mediated transport is because all the other types of transport listed here are not something you would call vesicle-transport; the substances don't really get transported in vesicles. This is different in exocytosis where the compounds gets packaged into vesicles.
I would say it begins to multiply based on the picture below
La Biología Viene Siendo Una Ciencia Que Estudia El Origen De La Vida Si Evolucion Sus Propiedades Y Sud Cuidados También Describe las Características Y Comportamiento De Las Especies De Todo El Mundo
El turismo Biologico :Es Una Propuesta para El Viajero Interesado por Conocer Los Componentes Naturales De Algún Lugar Como La Fauna Y La Flora
2, they line up to form a polypeptide chain this forms part of a protein molecule.