82% of what number is 369
82% of 450 is 369
Y= 4/5 x + 24
To find the rate of change you find the difference in each of the numbers on the graph. For example, 36-32 is 4. So 28-4 is 24 and that would be the next number down. It would also match x to be 0 because since the rate of change for x was 5, if you subtract 5 from 5 you get 0. So from this we know that the coordinates would be 0,5.
From this info, the slope would be 4/5 and the y intercept or initial value would be 24
Para construir una tabla de frecuencias, procedemos de la siguiente manera:
Construye una tabla con tres columnas. La primera columna muestra lo que se organiza en orden ascendente (es decir, las marcas). ...
Repase la lista de marcas. ...
Cuente el número de marcas de conteo para cada marca y escríbalo en la tercera columna.
Step-by-step explanation:
4 times 8 = 32. 56 - 32 = 24. 24 divided by 4 = 6.
I’m pretty sure the answer is xy