One theme in Robert Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken" is that life’s experiences provide us with many choices. Frost portrays the narrator as choosing between “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood" to develop this theme.
One theme in Zitkala-Sa's narrative "The School Days of an Indian Girl" is that new experiences can be both exciting and frightening. Zitkala-Sa describes how the main character has several new experiences. The main character explains that she “had anticipated much pleasure from a ride on the iron horse” and later she “trembled more from fear” when she arrives at a new school.
Both themes relate to experiences people may have in life. Frost’s theme relates to the choices associated with these experiences, while Zitkala-Sa’s theme shows that these experiences can affect people differently. Frost develops this theme by showing an example of a choice between two roads. Zitkala-Sa develops this theme by portraying the main character as experiencing something new that is both exciting and frightening.