The correct answer is It will provide positive regards and display empathy and understanding towards the client.
Carl Rogers developed what woulde be known as Person-centered therapy which pointed towards developing the clients self-actualizing tendency which is described by Rogers as "an inbuilt proclivity toward growth and fulfillment". Rogers asserts that an effective psychoterapist in order to facilitate the person the desired self actualizing result the psychotherapist must have some core conditions which included the display of empathy and unconditional positive regards as well as cuengruence.
The federal bank of the United States is also known as The Federal Reserve System, or the Federal Reserve, or simply as the Fed.
1. Normative
2. Positive
3. Normative
4. Normative
A certain situation is considered as 'normative' if it is expected to happen by the large majority of people in a certain type of society. It will be considered as 'positive' if it is not expected by most people but predicted to have a positive improvement to the society.
From the sample above, option 2 is the only positive one because not all citizens might get on board for letting the criminals off the execution.
The one of George durants major can be he secured land around the albemarle sound by defeating
Natural law is a theory in ethics and philosophy that says that human beings possess intrinsic values that govern their reasoning and behavior. Natural law maintains that these rules of right and wrong are inherent in people and are not created by society or court judges.