Thank you so much you kind soul
there are many different nutrients our body can't produce, such as: omega-3,
vitamins, and minerals, just to name a few. But, I feel water would be your best answer. Yes, I know, surprising, but true.
A substitute for white vinegar in making pickles is to use apple cider vinegar or malt vinegar. Lemon juice with twice the amount of vinegar can also be used.
While searching for a substitute of vinegar in making cucumber pickles, it is important to check the acidity of the product. At least 5% acidity is needed in the selected malt or apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. Both malt and apple cider vinegar may discolor cucumber if the acidity level is too high.
"His coping mechanism is alcohol"
4. "I'll wear a snug bra continuously until my breasts are soft again."
During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes several changes. One such change is breast enlargement as a result of breast milk production. During this time, women should take some care that will allow their breasts to return to normal with the same appearance, softness and smoothness.
One of these precautions is related to the type of bra that should be worn. During this period, the bra should support the breasts, with wider, preferably cotton, straps that are more comfortable. This type of bra has to be worn continuously until the breasts become soft again.