I apologize in advance if this is incorrect but what I was taught is that the correct answer is gather data to design a recovery plan.
The arctic soil is so cold that the ground beneath the tundra surface remains frozen all year. This permanently frozen ground is called permafrost. Each summer, when the sun warms the tundra surface, the top few inches of soil thaw. This melted part is called the active layer.
Nuclear decay rates are constant
Spontaneous decay of unstable nuclei is a process of a statistical nature, it is not possible to predict with certainty when an individual radioactive nucleus will decay, nor can the decay process be influenced in any way.
Therefore, the half-life of radionuclides (specific for each radionuclide) is defined as the time period in which half of the initial number of radioactive nuclei decays.
The unit of measurement for the radioactivity of the material is the becquerel (Bq) and denotes the number of decays in one second (1Bq = 1 decay / 1 second).