The two lines, hear the mellow bells Golden bells, use assonance. They echo.
C. It is difficult to seek treatment for depression, as it is viewed as a glorified form of sadness rather than a serious mental illness.
In his speech, Andrew Solomon narrated his ordeal with depression. This disease is one suffered by many who do not really recognize its difference with sadness. They see depression as a mood which is normal for all humans, and so they do not believe that it requires treatments. They believe that it is something that can be adapted to.
Andrew Solomon sees it differently. He compared sadness to an iron with little rust which can be overcome by just painting and polishing while he compared depression to an iron which has rusted by over a hundred years and has turned to "a pile of orange dust". So, depression is a serious medical condition that needs urgent attention.
In this excerpt from A World Without Collisions, Sam describes how he dreams the world to be in the future. I think his main idea has good intentions, he feels sorry for those who get hurt in "learning how to live life". He also seems to think that everybody should take control of their lives and don't be just a victim on everything that happens. This way of thinking has good intentions, but it is not always realistic or even easy to do.
First of all, unexpected things happen in life and some are pretty big and sad, and we do not control everything that happens around us. It is true that we can try and control our emotions in order to feel better, but not what happens outside our bodies. The thing is also, we can chose not to be victims, but it is healthy sometimes to embrace the bad feelings to because only by accepting our sadnesses or pains is that we will be able to move forward. If we deny this bad feeling, our bodies will eventually speak for us and show us that we have been hiding important issues that we should face. I agree, we should "dance life like champions", but doing so is also embracing the bad feelings, connecting with them, and get pass through them. We ARE going to get hurt "in all that bumping" and it is ok.
The wind ask the leaves to come over the grassland to play.
Because this story took place in a time where women and men weren't equal. So people would often identify women using their husbands last name.