A. Bigamy, the suffix "gamy" is the Greek root for marriage.
For the answer to the question above, the commercial team was divided into two departments which are purchasing and sales.
This traditional back office and front office split are common among traditional companies. He referred to it as the left hand who was selling the fish didn't know what the right hand was catching and it results in operational suffering. The sales department would sell fish that Caladero didn't catch or would fail to sell the catch. The result was disappointed customers, unsold fish, and error in orders.
It is worthwhile to make long-term goals for your future dreams. This is because if you are willing enough to fulfill your goal, your future dream will come true. Also, you will be glad that you stuck with your goal because of the outcome. Working hard can make your dreams come true.
To make sure you get the answer right what are the poems you had to read by Woodsworth?