An ecological community is made up of all the populations of all the different species that live together in a particular area. The interactions between different species in a community are called interspecific interactions, inter- means "between".
Answer: Option B.
Neural crest and peripheral nervous system.
Neural crest are bilateral paired cells of the neural tube that arise from the ectoderm layer of the embryo. Thesescells move to different part of the body and differentiate into various cell types like melanocytes,cartilage and bone, smooth muscle, craniofacial, neurons, gangalia e.t.c. The neural crest running through neural tube develop into peripheral nervous system after birth. Peripheral nervous system consist of neurons and gangalia outside the nervous system The peripheral nervous system connect the central nervous system to organs, skin and limbs.
A salmon can live out of water for 2 hours
Domain Archaea
Like bacteria,Organisms in domain Archaea are prokaryotic and unicellular. Superficially, they look a lot like bacteria, and many biologists confused them as bacteria until a few decades ago.
It can last from 1 to 4 hours