I believe there is no such thing as b. perfect fracture.
If you're meaning like to check if someone's respiratory system is working right you'd want to find a pulse. If you find there's no pulse you should start chest compressions and call 911 continuing to do chest compressions
British English: side /saɪd/ NOUN. right or left part The side of something is a place to the left or right of it. On the left side of the door there's a door bell.
When the image you are looking at hits the retina, it is inverted, after this this information is then relayed to the brain which then makes sense of the image by including what it already knows!
This involves viewing the individual as a holistic being rather than a diagnosis or parts to be fixed. This involves looking broadly into the individuals lifestyle, emotional status, environmental factors, age, ethnicity, health history etc. rather than just focusing on the illness, injury or disease.