the tissue in plants that conducts water and nutrients upwards from the root
Option 1, a charged end and a noncharged end
Complete question
If a small droplet of ordinary fat is suspended in water, the fat molecules form a "ball of spaghetti" with no particular orientation. But if a droplet of phospholipid molecules is put in water, all the molecules point outward, toward the water. Phospholipids are forced into this orientation because phospholipids have _____
- a charged end and a noncharged end
- three fatty acid molecules, all pointing in different directions
- two fatty acid molecules pointing in different directions
- both a saturated fatty acid and an unsaturated fatty acid
- two charged ends
The structure of phospholipids consists of the following groups and molecules –
a) A glycerol molecule
b) Fatty acids (2 in numbers) – It is hydrophobic as it is uncharged and non polar in nature
c) Phosphate group (with alcohol) – It is hydrophilic as it is negatively charged and polar in nature.
When the phospholipids are placed in water, the molecule rearranges itself in a way that the hydrophobic head face inside and the hydrophilic head face outside thereby forming micelles.
Hence, option 1 is correct
He was one of the first scientists to understand that new scientific information comes from repeated experiments, and one of the first to incorporate math and science together. He revolutionized the method research was obtained by scientists.
Animal-like protists include the flagellates, ciliates, and the sporozoans.
Having the light reaction components in close proximity speeds up the process. Electrons move from one protein to the next in sequence. If the proteins had to 'swim' around to find the next part of the electron transport chain, then the ATP would form at a much slower, inefficient rate.