Answer: It would unbalance the ecosystem.
Due to the fact that if some species die off, the other species that rely on those species for food or protection would loose that food/ protection which may lead to their extinction and their extinction would lead to another extinction and so on.
Answer: 25% of the offsprings will be heterozygous for both traits
Explanation: A cross between BbFf and bbff will yield 16 offsprings with four different possible genotypes: BbFf, Bbff, bbFf, and bbff. Only BbFf is the genotype that is heterozygous for both traits, and there are four offsprings with BbFf genotype.
Therefore the percentage of the offsprings that are heterozygous for both traits is 4/16 x 100 = 25%
See the punnett square for the details of the dibybrid cross
A have the MC1R gene and melanin deference
informalif you chew the cud, you spend a long time thinking or talking about something. Synonyms and related words. To think carefully or a lot about things.
Answer: It is no longer circulated throughout the body supplying oxygenated blood. The un-oxygenated blood turns blue which makes the body look “dusky”. Since it is no longer circulating, the blood pools in the lowest part of the body making these areas looked dark or bruised. (If the person was laying on their back, the blood would pool on the backside of the body)
When a person dies, the heart stops circulating blood and the lungs stop oxygenating the recirculated blood. The blood turns blue and pools in lowest place.