Septic shock occurs when bacterial toxins trigger vasodilation and increase capillary permeability.
Vasodilation occurs during inflammatory processes thereby leading to an increase in blood flow. Septic shock cause the release of numerous vasodilatory chemicals thereby leading to lethal hypotension.
Septic shock is caused by changes in hemodynamic profile as a result of endothelial dysfunction with increased capillary permeability thereby leading to hypotension.
The bright head of the comet Hale-Bopp, called the comma, is shown near the Sun. The combo is made up of dust and gas, concealing a solid comet nucleus made of rock, dust, and ice.
The solid nucleus or core of the hale bopp comet consists mainly of ice and dust coated with black matter, and ice formed mainly of frozen water but possibly other cold substances, such as ammonia, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and methane.