<span>The cells of plants
and animals are similar expect for a few different structures like the shape of
the cells and cell wall. They differ in cell shape since animal cells are rounded
and it has irregular shape while plant cells have fixed shape which is
rectangular. Another structure is a cell wall. Animal cells don’t have cell wall
while plant cells have. Plant cell wall is a structure surrounding the cell
that provides a number of functions such as strength to support the plant, Flexibility,
Water-proofing, Barrier to pests, Protection against environmental stress, signaling
and sensing. </span>
Salivary amylase will be active for only an hour or so because the optimum pH for activity of amylase is about 6.7–7.0 which is available in the mouth but the pH of the stomach is acidic around 1-2 due to which the amylase enzyme becomes inactive in short-time.
The lingual lipase enzyme is present in the saliva but isn't active until reaching the stomach because this enzyme is acid stable and works efficiently in the stomach, not in the mouth.
Amylase enzyme is secreted in the mouth and is responsible for the breakdown of starch in food into sugars and it starts acting as soon as we put food in the mouth whereas Lingual lipase enzyme is secreted along with saliva but it is not active in the mouth rather its activity starts in the stomach which is responsible for the degradation of triacylglycerol molecules.
Learn more about enzymes here
<span>I'm assuming this in plants.
Brief-ish answer:
"Fertilization in plants occurs when pollen grains are transported from anthers to stigma. When ripe pollen from an anther catches on the stigma of the same kind of flower, each pollen grain sends out a small thread-like tube."
Here's a fuller answer:
"</span>Fertilization occurs after pollination, when pollen grains land on the stigma of a flower of the same species. During this time, a series of events take place leading to the formation of seeds. A pollen grain on the stigma develops a tiny tube that runs down the style of the ovary. The pollen tube contains a male gamete which meets the female gamete in the ovule. Fertilization occurs when the two gametes combine and their chromosomes join. The resulting product is a normal complement of chromosomes, with some from either parent flower. The fertilized ovule forms a seed, which consists of a food reservoir and an embryo that later develops into a new plant. In gymnosperms (conifers) male gametes are enclosed in pollen grains and are transmitted by wind or insects to the female reproductive organs. Fertilization in angiosperms (flowering plants) occurs when insects or other animals transport the pollen to the female reproductive organ (pistil).<span>
</span><span>Fertilization is the fusion of gametes to launch the development of a new individual organism. In animals, the process entails the combination of ovum with a sperm, leading to the development of an embryo. Fertilization in plants occurs when haploid gametes meet to create a diploid zygote, which eventually forms an embryo.</span><span>"
source: </span>https://www.reference.com/science/plant-fertilization-occur-ccf48c80e72fc410
Same genus is more closely related. The farther down the list Phylum-Class-Order-Family-Genus-Species you go, the more closely related are the species in that taxon.