From the given situation in the question, it seems that Jamila is at the second step of the decision-making process, which is gathering information.
This step is also known as brainstorming. Jamila has already decided what she wants to do – she wants to work with animals. Now, she needs to decide in what way would she like to work with animals from the available options.
SEC. 17. Penalties. (a) Any employer who willfully or repeatedly violates the requirements of ... of not more than $70,000 for each violation, but not less than $5,000 for each willful violation.
Extreme hip-hop dued to the crazy or dances and electronic media volume very high like a it gives you death but if you wear headphones. Even the headstands the headstands could give you an extreme headache. But wearing something like a soft mattress hat in your head could give you less headache.