A lot of words how to eat how to hit how to give you a kiss how to take a bath.
i have a baby cousin and she's that old and she love's taking bath's eating and talking.
I think is true I'm not sure
I would say start CPR.
It's best to start CPR because the ambulance wouldnt make it as quick as to where you would already be at the scene. But someone could always call 911 while you do CPR.
Marie's sister is using <u>subgoals</u> to help Marie solve her problem.
A goal can be described as any wish or ambition of a person which he/she tries to accomplish. Subgoals are the mini-goal steps that a person takes to move towards his/her goal.
As in the above scenario, Marie's goal is to clear the total mess of her dorm room. Her sister helps her by assigning small sub-goals to reach Marie's task. She tells her to start with a sub-goal of putting dirty clothes in the hamper. When that goal is achieved, a next sub-goal of putting away books and papers is taken over. Hence, these sub-goals will eventually make Marie complete her goal.