Debt / Equity = 0.72649 : 1 or 72.649%
The ROE or return on equity can be calculated using the Du Pont equation. It breaks the ROE into three components. The formula for ROE under Du Pont is,
ROE = Net Income / Sales * Sales / Total Assets * Total Assets / Shareholder's equity
ROE = Net Income / Total equity
Assuming that sales is $100.
Net Income = 100 * 0.051 = 5.1
Total Assets = 100 / 1.84
Total Assets = 54.35
0.162 = 5.1 / Total equity
Total Equity = 5.1 / 0.162
Total Equity = 31.48
We know that Assets = Debt + Equity
54.35 = Debt + 31.48
Debt = 54.35 - 31.48
Debt = 22.87
Debt / Equity = 22.87 / 31.48
Debt / Equity = 0.72649 : 1 or 72.649%
Risk Control
The statement, "You are more likely to control risks when they are identified earlier rather than later" is associated with the Risk Control Management principle.
Risk control is more effective when risk identification is undertaken early enough so that control measures are put in place to mitigate such risks, otherwise there will be a shift from 'risk control' to 'damage control' once any of those risks materializes.
good debt is for buying assets : things that will be worth more in the future
bad debt is for buying liabilities : things that will be worth less in the future
No because they aren't Fair
The internal rate of return is the discount rate that equates the after tax cash flows from an investment to the amount invested.
The IRR can be calculated using a financial calculator:
Cash flow in year 0 = –$28,500
Cash flow in year 1 = $12,500
Cash flow in year 2 = 15,500
Cash flow for year 3 = $11,500
IRR = 18.49%
To find the IRR using a financial calacutor:
1. Input the cash flow values by pressing the CF button. After inputting the value, press enter and the arrow facing a downward direction.
2. After inputting all the cash flows, press the IRR button and then press the compute button.
I hope my answer helps you