Information on them is often not backed up with reliable sources.
- Crowd-sourced websites are open for everyone to feed information to. Most of the people who feed this information do not fetch it from sources that are authentic and reliable.
- They either try to put up their personal experiences or the information they heard somewhere, someday.
- Very few who genuinely understand the importance of the correctness of information take efforts to look up for the information through reliable sources to answer the queries and questions.
Death rate increases for babies
a ruler who seized power unconstitutionally or inherited such power.
Which country owned the land
Child Labor Industrialization puts the children into very dangerous machine in different manufacturing in 18th century. This all started from Industrial Revolution, with a mass production or new engines, coal mine, transforming our modern technology, and more.
I'm not sure which one you need, but lemme know what it is and I'll make a change.