C (Window/Orphan control)
An "orphan" in formatting is a single line of text that is left alone/separated from the rest of the paragraph. Orphan control prevents this from happening by keeping lines together.
Level 5 ( Full Driving Automation ) Level 5 cars won't even have steering wheels or acceleration / braking pedals . They will be free from geofencing , able to go anywhere and do anything that an experienced human driver can do .
Pls follow me and Mark as brainlest!!! :-)
The solution code is written in Python:
- mystery_string = "Programming"
- output = ""
- for x in mystery_string:
- output += x
- print(output)
Firstly, create a variable mystery_string to hold a random string (Line 1).
Create an output variable to hold an output string (Line 2).
Create a for-loop to traverse the mystery_string character by character (Line 4). In the iteration, get a character from the mystery_string, and concatenate it with output string (Line 5). Print the output string (Line 6) before proceed to the next iteration.
see attached picture
An algorithm would be:
if hours < 10 then bonus = 0
else if hours <= 15 then bonus = 1000
else if hours <= 20 then bonus = 1500
else if hours <= 25 then bonus = 2000
else if hours <= 30 then bonus = 3000
else bonus = 5000
If you are trying to put the events in order and they are out of order you will probaly get the question wrong so make sure the events are in order.