There are many Diet Trends but I will list a few below:-
- Keto Diet
- Paleo Diet
- Intermittent- Fasting
- DASH Diet
- Vegan Diet
Most caregivers should be able to work and understand a variety of health concerns and basic hygiene like; most common health problems, heart levels, fragile body parts, how to properly clean others, etc.
Muscle cells are the important for the body as they are involved in the bodily movement. Three different type of muscle are smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle.
The sarcoplasmic reticulum contains the stored calcium in the muscle cell. The calcium is important ion that plays an important role in the muscle contraction. The actin and myosin protein functioning also depends on the the calcium ion.
Thus, the correct answer is option (B).
<span>Vitamins are essential for B. METABOLISM to occur
Vitamin A is for your eyesight. It makes you see clearly. It also helps you fight infection by boosting your immune system.
Vitamin B (</span><span>B1, B2, B6, B12, niacin, folic acid, biotin, and pantothenic acid) are important for metabolism. It helps make energy and releases said energy when your body needs it. It also helps in making red blood cells.
Vitamin C helps you resist infection and helps keep your body tissues in good shape.
Vitamin D strengthens your bones and teeth.
Vitamin E protects your cells and tissues from damage.
Vitamin K enables your blood to clot and stops your bleeding when you're injured.
C. Writing the pros/cons of setting the goal
If you were to try and write an action plan, you would need to know the pros and cons of the plan.