Hey there!
Simplifying fractions means dividing the numerator and the denominator by the same number.
So we know that both 52 and 624 are divisible by 2. However, it will take some time.
Turns out 624 is divisible by 52!
is the answer. Hope it helps!
It's undefined
Step-by-step explanation:
That symbol is undefined
The difference between the vehicles is 0,009 gallons per mile.
Step-by-step explanation:
To know the difference between the vehicles in gallons per mile we need to obtain this information for each car:
-Sam´s van
Gallons per mile: 9 gallons/208.8 miles
Gallons per mile: 0.0431
-Hasan´s small car:
Gallons per mile: 8 gallons/234.4 miles
Gallons per mile: 0.0341
The difference between the vehicles is:
0.0431-0.0341= 0,009 gallons per mile
The football team drank a total of 75 gallons of water.
Step-by-step explanation:
Half of 50 gallons is 25 gallons. 25 gallons + 50 gallons = 75 gallons.