The human sense organ
The Five Sense Organs in Human Beings. The sense organs — eyes, ears, tongue, skin, and nose — help to protect the body. The human sense organs contain receptors that relay information through sensory neurons to the appropriate places within the nervous system.
Senses are important because they help us understand the environment around us. Stimuli are signals that trigger the senses. ... Each sense organ includes receptors that capture relevant stimuli for transmission to the brain. The receptors in the skin are mechanoreceptors and thermoreceptors.
La belle indifference.
Eyes is one of the important sense organ of the body that helps to see the world. Apart from it, eyes helps in the signal transmission process and maintains the internal physiology.
La belle indifference may be defined as the medical condition in which the individual is not concerned and and ignores the symptoms of the disease. The La belle indifference symptoms is responsible because of the conversion disorder. Here, the woman ignore the symptoms that she is unable to see.
Thus, the correct answer is option (c).
Internal pressure is anything that is an "urge" that come from your "insides," such as thoughts or compulsions. Generally these are more difficult to control and get away from. From the list the ones that are internal pressures are:
-genetic factors (Comes from DNA which can cause a predisposition to addiction)
-need to feel pleasure (no one tells you to "feel pleasure" instead that is an internal "push" factor)
- addictive tendencies
External pressure is pressure that comes from peers/ social norms. From the list the ones that are external pressures are:
- celebrity role models ("peer" pressure)
-perceptions of drug use as a norm (social/environmental factor)
Hope this helped!
~Just a girl in love with Shawn Mendes
Glucose meters-prediabetes
Antipsychotic drugs-Schizophrenia