16 lakhs per family
Per capita income is the mean income of the people in an economic unit. An economic unit may be a city or country. It is calculated by taking the sum of all sources of income and dividing it by the total population.
There are five families in a country and their income is 15 lakhs, 20 lakhs , 12 lakhs, 8 lakhs and 25 lakhs.
First, let's take the sum of the income.
The per capita income of the country is 16 lakhs per family.
Note that:
1 lakh=100,000
No one really knows the answer.
All the potential knowledge containing that century is lost in history.
May i please get a brainly lol
The critical theory perspective
Sociology can be defined as a social science that deals with the study of the socio-cultural interaction of humans with respect to the structure, functioning and development of their society.
The main purpose of sociology is to develop and enhance human knowledge or understanding of important socio-cultural processes through the gathering and analysis of all aspects of the social life of the people living in a society.
The critical theory perspective is a type of political and social philosophy that is mainly focused on the critique and reflective assessment of the society, culture, and other systems that affect human lives.
Thus, it's a perspective which would most likely argue that democracies do not go to war with one another because leaders have to appeal or be in the good books of the people (larger coalitions) so as to survive politically. Thus, leaders in democracies would only choose wars with non-democratic countries in which military resources are mobilized in times of dispute.
Democracy can be defined as a government of the people, by the people and for the people.
There are two (2) main types of democracy and these include;
I. Representative democracy.
II. Direct democracy.