they need protection within the castle
Depending on a few factors, Yes Nationalism is a positive force. When under control and in reason Nationalism only offends people who hate or dislike your Nation. Left unchecked and you will have evil people who want to abuse the peoples nationalism like Germany for example. That is what happens if you leave Nationalism unchecked and someone abuses the peoples spirits. If you need additional help or explanation Just let me know im here to help out.
The end was brought by the silk skills being produced in China, moving to other areas of cheaper payment
kevian Rus
The name Kevian Rus comes from the ancestors of Russia, Ukraine,And Belarus. Rus is the medieval Russian State, founded c. 862 by Scandanivian traders and warriors led by Rurik, who founded a dynasty at Novgorod.Then 882 the successor of Rurik moved the capital to Kiev, the center of Kievan Russia.