From fraction to decimal: divide the numerator by the denominator
From decimal to percent: move the decimal two places to the right. For example: 0.062=6.2%
From percent to decimal: move the decimal point two steps to the left. For example: 56%=0.56
From decimal to fraction: Rewrite the decimal number number as a fraction (example: <span>2.625=<span>2.6251</span></span>) an then Multiply by 1 to eliminate 3 decimal places, we multiply numerator and denominator by 10 cubed = 1000<span><span><span>2.625/1</span>×<span>1000/1000</span>=<span>2625/1000 and don forget to reduce if possible;)
No because 3 is a whole number and 1/8 is not
18 inch diameter = 9 inch radius
Sphere Volume = <span> 4/3 • <span>π <span>• r³
</span></span></span><span>Sphere Volume = <span> 4/3 * PI * 9^3
</span></span><span>Sphere Volume = <span> 4/3 * PI * 729
</span></span><span><span>Sphere Volume = </span>3,053.628 </span>
4 ⅓
Step-by-step explanation:
10 - 5 ⅔
10 - 5 × 3 + 2/3
10 - 17/3
3 × 10 - 17/3
30 - 17/3
13/3 = 4 ⅓