Christianity has promoted a sense of understanding and a common ground in society, and because of this understanding the chances of unnecessary wars and violence have been reduced.
south korea is an ally of US,but north koerea wanna take control of south korea because it's main aim is to take control of da korean peninsula,so as usual us interfers in other contry's matter only to make it worse.....
Critical thinking
Critical thinking: In psychology, the term "critical thinking" is defined as a process through which a person tries to make a different judgment on the basis of reasoning that are either well-thought-out or logical or rational. An individual who thinks critically don't just accept what is being presented in front of him or her rather he or she looks for all possible alternatives and question what so ever he or she wants to about the given arguments or conclusions.
In the question above, Rena is exhibiting critical thinking.
If you mean germans, they shut down all jewish businesses and also made them wear stars of david on their chests to identify that they were jewish
Roger Sherman of Connecticut