Quien verdaderamente vive, no puede dejar de ser ciudadano y partisano. La indiferencia y la abulia son parasitismo, son cobardía, no vida. Por eso odio a los indiferentes.
Es lo que, espero y te sirva
They make a salary of 174,000, they have free airport parking, up to 239 days off, and a better retirement plan
If your calling someone Jew to be mean then yes but if you say Jew it’s not offensive
B, The Bantu migration brought language, religion, and tools across Africa
The Bantu spread all over Africa, and created what is the present Sub Saharan. D, is wrong because Arabs and Bantu didn't have contact until later years. "The governments in North Africa forced migration
" this one is incorrect because Bantu never spread to North Africa, because of the Sahara Barrier. A is wrong because Bantu never went to the Sahara, as it was unhospitable.