The command economy is a key feature of any communist society. Cuba, North Korea, and the former Soviet Union are examples of countries that have command economies, while China maintained a command economy for decades before transitioning to a mixed economy that features both communistic and capitalistic elements.
Presence or absence of Pregnancy can only be confirmed through a test. It is very important to know because of the danger of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy
Ms. A could be pregnant without know especially if she is sexually active, and only test can prove that. Hyperthyroidism can cause grave complications during pregnancy. Hence the need to be sure if Ms. A is not pregnant
Global warming mostly because of greedy corporations
Emergency response systems are means for emergency response teams to locate and move resources to emergency sites.
When a person needs care the first to do is to activate the emergency response system by calling the emergency number of that country.
Every country has their emergency number that you can call in time of need; e g 911 in the Americas, 999 in the UK.