32.45 is most precise . Precise means how many points after decimal is reached. Accurate means how close your measurement of a value is that to the true value. Eg :Say 35cm is the measure of length of a body and a person got the measurement to be 34 . Another person2 got the measurement to be 32.88 . So in this case the first person has an accurate answer as he is close to the true value 35 , but person2 is more precise as he has two decimal places.
Step-by-step explanation:
The first 6 rows of the eruptions data :
eruptions waiting
1 3.600 79
2 1.800 54
3 3.333 74
4 2.283 62
5 4.533 85
6 2.883 55
R code :
1. You can directly access the "Faithful" data in R without importing the data. The dataset faithful is present in the R or you can load the datasets. or use install the datasets.load. package
If you have the data in a text file, make sure all the columns and rows are separated by commas
Step 1: open notepad
Step 2: enter data with no spaces but only commas
Step 3: save the file as ‘faithful.txt’ on your Desktop
# Get R help
# Import the data
rain<-read.table("C:/Users/YOUR-NAME/Desktop/faithful.txt", header = TRUE,
sep = ",")
Check the data
data("faithful") #Loading Faithful data
head(faithful, 6) #Reading first 6 rows of the data
A. 17.5
Step-by-step explanation:
4x+8 27
<------------------ 6x -------------------->
LM = 4x+8
MN = 27
LN = 6x
LM + MN = LN
4x+8 + 27 = 6x
35 = 2x
17.5 = x
To isolate x, we will first subtract 0.8 from both sides.
0.6x + 0.8 = 1.4
-0.8 -0.8
0.6x = 0.6
Now all we have to do is divide both sides by 0.6, because it is the number besides x.
0.6x/0.6 = 0.6/0.6
x = 1
So you get the answer of x = 1.