The final product is four gametes, two of them with 5 chromosomes, and the other two with 3 chromosomes each.
If nondisjunction occurs during meiosis 1, a pair of homologous chromosomes fail to separate, and one of the daughter cells will have the two chromosomes while the other cell will not get any chromosome from the pair.
If meiosis 1 occurs normally, but nondisjunction occurs in meiosis 2, sister chromatids fail to separate.
The usual process of meiosis produces four daughter haploid cells (n) from a diploid germ cell (2n). Each daughter cell is haploid because they have half the number of chromosomes of the original one.
If the diploid number of the original cell is 8 (2n=8), then under normal conditions, each haploid daughter cell should have 4 chromosomes (n = 4).
But in the exposed example, one pair of homologous chromosomes experiences nondisjunction during meiosis I (in the attached file, you will recognize this pair as the red one). The other chromosomes separate as usual. So one of the daughter cells will have one extra chromosome than expected (five instead of four), and the other daughter cell will lack one chromosome (three instead of four). Meiosis II occurs normally. The final result is the formation of four gametes, two of them with 5 chromosomes, and the other two with 3 chromosomes each.
Answer: the Neolithic period
A period in history in which humans transitioned from hunting and gathering food to the farming of plants and animals is called the Neolithic period. People were starting to become farmers and their life got more settled.
This transition is also known as the Neolithic Revolution or the Agricultural Revolution.
Answer: Codominence
Codominence is a condition in which two alleles of the same gene are expressed equally. Both alleles are capable of exerting their effects on the organism. Thus instead of expression of one trait both traits are expressed.
Answer: llay, alleviate, assuage, ease, help, mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe. Words Related to mitigate. abate, lighten, moderate, soften, temper. cure, heal, remedy. amend, correct, emend, fix, mend, rectify, reform, repair.
Explanation: hope this helps
Lactic acids fermentation happens in our muscle cells when we are exercising feverishly while alcoholic fermentation is used in yeast cells and is what leads to beer bread and wine.