In this situation, the externalities that arise from studying is the unability to enter college and obtain good-paying jobs.
From the description above, we can conclude that Jacob is much more likely to experience these externalities since he does not consider the importance of studying and how it might influence his future.
Jesus Christ is the founder of Christianity
Upward Control is one of them
In the video, Nixon appeared to be nervous and uncomfortable. Those who listened to the debate on the radio would not have seen this as clearly. On the other hand, Kennedy appeared to be confident and comfortable, and he spoke clearly while focusing on the camera.
Nero also know as Ceaser (Nero Cladius Divi Claudius filius Caesar Augustus Germanicus), was known for killing hundreds of Christians in his time. One of them, was a fairly famous one who went by the name of Paul. The Apostle Paul. So Nero was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Christians.