A. true, economic competition between countries usually came at the expence at the other countries.
Iconoclastic Controversy, a dispute over the use of religious images (icons) in the Byzantine Empire in the 8th and 9th centuries. ... The defenders of the use of icons insisted on the symbolic nature of images and on the dignity of created matter.
All girl's are different going through puberty and no one should judge a girl at all! It really does not help them feel comfortable or normal Boys are likely to like younger girls maturing into young women than late girls.
A social problem is a phenomenon, a situation or a condition that, from the perspective of certain groups within a society, does not work as it should. ... In this sense, then, what is a social problem differs from what is a sociological problem.
Malês (from hauçá malami, "professor", "mister", in Yoruba ymale, "muslim") was the term used in Brazil in the 19th century to designate black Muslims. They were often more educated than their masters, and, despite the condition of slaves, they were not submissive, but very proud.
Hope this helps