What is the least common denominator used to add the fractions 1/32 and 3/24
Alright so all we are doing is adding 7/10 and 1/2
But sometimes that can be difficult because they don’t have the same denominator
In that case, we want to give them the same denominator (bottom number if the fraction)
So we do this by multiply 1/2 by 5/5 which will get you 5/10
We now have 5/10 and 7/10 which both have the same denominator (10)
So add them together and you will get 12/10
Now that’s more than 1 gallon so let’s figure out how much more
So 12/10 -10/10 (full gallon) = 2/10
So she used 1 2/10 gallons
If you want it in decimal form then it’s 1.2 (divide 2 by 10)
Hope that helped!
Step-by-step explanation:
4k^2 + 8k + 2 - 2k - 3
4k^2 + 6k - 1
answer is B
B I'm not 100 percent sure that it's right but I'm pretty sure.