d) Cr⁺³
Consideremos un ion que contiene 24 protones, 28 neutrones y 21 electrones.
Para encontrar el simbolo del elemento, tenemos que considerar el número atómico (Z) que es igual al número de protones. Con esta información, buscamos en la tabla periódica el elemento con Z=24 es el Cromo.
La carga total está dada por la diferencia entre protones y electrones. Los ´protones tienen carga +1 y los electrones carga -1. Luego, este ion tiene carga:
24 protones + 21 electrones = 24 . (1) + 21 . (-1) = +3
El simbolo del ion es Cr⁺³.
The temperature increases
Cover with metal .Any elements other than hydrozen and helium concentration shows an absorbance
A producer gets it's matter from it's surroundings. E.g a plant will get minerals and water from the ground through it's roots for photosynthesis.
Plants can also produce food by using the sun's light for photolysis of the water molecules. (Basically splitting the H20 into Hydrogen and O2 (oxygen gas). They release oxygen back into the air and combine the Hydrogen ion with carbon dioxide that they obtained from the air to create sugar (glucose) which is basically chemical food for the plants. This is the summed up process of photosynthesis.