Squatter settlements, called barriadas in Peru, ranchosin Venezuela, callampas in Chile, villas miseriasin Argentina, and by a host of other names in other countries, are an important and permanent part of the urban social system, containing between 10 per cent and 50 per cent of the population of most cities.
The gases absorb energy, which slows or prevents the loss of heat into space. They act like a kind of blanket, keeping heat in and radiating it back downwards and raising the temperature of the Earth.
A continental climate can best be described as having warm, humid summers and cool, wet winters.
Ans: Landform is the any recognizable naturally formed surface feature of the earth. Landforms have characteristic shape and can include such large features as plains, plateaus, mountains, valleys as well as small features such as hills, canyons and eskers
The mid-day sun directly faces the area between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. So the heat received is maximum at these latitudes. These latitudes fall under the Torrid Zone.