In order to find a fraction, We know that a percentage is out of a 100. This means we can now place our fraction as:
In order to find the actual fraction, we will want to simplify. Lets find our least common factor and work down from there. Since we know that 2 can go into both of them, lets reduce by 2.
This means our fraction will now look like:
Since 19 is a prime number and cannot be divided by anything but 1 and itself, we know that this is our simplified form.
This means:
19/50 is the fraction equivalent to 38%.
The solutions to the quadratic equations will be:

Step-by-step explanation:
Given the expression

Let us solve the equation by completing the square

Add (-6)² to both sides


Apply perfect square formula: (a-b)² = a²-2ab+b²

so the expression becomes


add 6 to both sides


also solving

add 6 to both sides


Therefore, the solutions to the quadratic equation will be:

The phone could be either 24 feet away from them or 70 feet away from them because the person that lost the phone could be on the other side of the cell phone tower
Step-by-step explanation:
Yes, Cecile factored the polynomial correctly.
Step-by-step explanation: