you will need to look at the calories and then the ingredients and how much of each ingredients there is.
Answer: She will cover the cost, what they do like what they specialize in and also they can show you maybe where that family member will be staying.
Whats the question though???????????????????
Hope It Helps :)
the function of the pancreas that it secretes enzymes that work in tandem with bile from the liver and gallbladder to help breakdown substances for proper digestion and absorption.
The best choice is to write about those diseases as the questions like:
1. How is Salmonella obtained?
a. by others coughing on you.
b. By touching a person with Salmonella.
c. Washing hands after touching raw meats
d. by consuming raw products like eggs and chicken. [right answer]
Or another way is fill in the blank:
When people consume contaminated food they get food poisoning or ______.[the answer is listeria]
Another way is long response:
What is E.Coli, what are the symptoms, who can get it?
________________________________________ [its a disease and some symptoms are diarrhea, cramps, vomiting. Old people and children can get it.]
For the other seven you could ask: what is bacteria, how are diseases spread, how do you prevent getting sick, how do you care for someone sick, who is the best person to go to if your sick, what is a symptom, and more. Hopes this helps.