A generalist species is able to survive in a wide variety of environmental conditions and can make use of lots of different resources. Generalist species have a big niche. Humans, rabbits, house flies, and raccoons would all fall under the generalist species list.
A specialist species can only thrive is a small variety of environmental conditions and/or only has a limited diet. Specialist species have a small niche. Pandas, koalas, and salamanders would all fall under the specialist species list.
Lack of oxygen
There are two mechanisms for energy production (glucose breakdown), aerobic and anaerobic. When adequate amounts of oxygen are present, aerobic mechanism is used. However, when there is insufficient oxygen, such as during exercise, the anaerobic mechanism is used.
Cells are very different but have similar properties
The meaningful differences between organisms in a population are genetic. Variations in the genome of members of a population arise through mutation. Occasionally, a mutation occurs in an individual that is beneficial, that helps that organism be better able to survive and repoduce in its current environment.