Sangita Ratnakar was written by Sarngadeva, also spelledby Sarngadeva and sharangadeva and Sangeet parijat is a book written by ahobola pandit.
- Harmony.
- Respect.
- Care.
Some values that are important to the people who live and work in the new nation could be harmony, respect, and care.
Nowadays many people that have different customs, traditions, etc; go to live to other countries where things are different so I think that harmony is important in a society because people with different traits and culture live can work and play in a common space where people tolerate each other.
So it is also important to accept there are different beliefs, traditions because there are people from different nationalities and races that need to work and live in the same country and in the same space in close proximity. So it is important to respect and to uphold the law to maintain pease an order.
Besides, care is important in a society in which people look out for each other with a helping hand, when there are some problems in the community or when a neighbour has a problem. A caring society is what we need to live in peace
adjective, un·health·i·er, un·health·i·est. not in a state of good or normal health; in an unsound, weak, or morbid condition. symptomatic of or resulting from bad health: an unhealthy pallor. not conducive to good health; unhealthful: Night air was formerly considered unhealthy. they just ain't taking good care of themselves and eat junk all the time too
The Burj Khalifa building also known as Burj Dubai is the tallest building in the world. Designed by Adrian Smith, it rises 828 meters above the city of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.