Step 1: Simplify 0.02 x 0.789 to 0.01578
0.01578 ÷ 3.0999
Step 2: Simplify 0.01578 ÷ 3.0999 to 0.0051
Done! :) Decimal Form Would Be 0.0051
red line: y = x
green line: y = -x
we can establish a ratio since triangle MNQ is equal to Triangle MLP.
your answer is B 9 inches
Looking at the graph, we know that A. 3 boxes are filled every 4 min and D. 0.75 boxes are filled per minute are the correct answers.
Hope this helps~
Cos<span> 42° ~ 0.743
cos 42° = sin(90-42) = sin 58°
So sine of complementary angle also has same value as cos 42.
So sin 58 ~ 0.743