How to round 409,184 to the nearest ten thousand
so 409,184 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 410,000
we know that
In the right triangle ABC
------> by complementary angles
Find the measure of angle B
we know that

in this problem


Find the measure of angle A

the answer is the option
35.5° and 54.5°
Changed both of them to a fraction
Step-by-step explanation:
) Every positive rational number is greater than 0.
(ii) Every negative rational number is less than 0.
(iii) Every positive rational number is greater than every negative rational number.
(iv) Every rational number represented by a point on the number line is greater than every rational number represented by points on its left.
(v) Every rational number represented by a point on the number line is less than every rational number represented by paints on its right