Answer: If a mutation occurred in Silencer of Death Domain (SODD) that prohibited its interaction with the DD of TNF receptor, the TNF receptor would evoke its response by binding to a transmembrane receptor, TNFR1.
Explanation: Binding to TNFR1 inhibits the recruitment of cytoplasmic signaling proteins to TNFR1 to prevent recruitment of a number of protein (TRADD) or prevent spontaneous aggregation of the cytoplasmic death domains of TNFR1 molecules.
SODD mechanism is useful in preventing unwarranted TNFR1 activation in the process of apoptosis.
The pig embryo or fetus are both developmental stages in a pig's life cycle from conception and leading up to birth. The embryo and the fetus should be found in the uterus lining of the female pig, as this is where conception would occur and where the fetus will develop until it is ready to be born.
Answer: option "A" One seed develops from each ovule.
Ovules are the female reproductive part of the plant which is internally covered by the nucellus and integuments further helped in fertilization and development of seed.
After fertilization, ovule is the part of the plant develops into seed, after a period of time food tissue is developed inside it consisting the seed coats called integuments.
pollen grains or sperms are being transferred through the pollen tube to the embryo sacs from integuments only, which results into the fertilization and development of seed.
Answer: While cutting a screen for an aquarium top, you point the scissors away from your body.
You pipette a liquid using a bulb pipette.
You heat a liquid by placing it in a plastic beaker on a hot plate.
Activation energy is the minimum quantity of energy that the reacting species must possess in order to undergo a specified reaction.
for example , striking a match on the side of a matchbox provides the activation energy, in the form of heat produced by friction.