Legal and environmental.
PEST is a short form for political, economic, social, and technological factors. These are external factors likely to impact business performance. Entrepreneurs should analyze, understand them, and include their effects in business plans.
Other external factors that may affect business performance are legal and environmental.
For the legal factors, an entrepreneur should analyze the impact of possible changes in laws and legal interpretations on their businesses. In the environmental analysis, the entrepreneur should be aware of the industry's environmental regulations and restrictions. They should plan for possible changes in license limitations.
Consider the economy of Arcadia. Its households spend 75% of increases in their income. There are no taxes and no foreign trade. Its currency is the are. Potential output Is 600 billion arcs (Scenario: Fiscal Policy) Look at the scenario Fiscal Policy. If actual output Is 500 billion arcs, to restore the economy to potential output government should by 25 billion arcs.
increase taxes
When actual revenue <u>exceeds</u> what the revenue should have been, the variance is labelled favourable.
Hope that helps!
A. The Equity Investment account balance will equal 30% of investee's stockholders' equity at date of acquisition, plus the unamortized cost of the patent.
Inside the Production Possibility Frontier.
PPF is a curve that shows the various combination of 2 goods that an economy produces when resources are fixed. Thus, any point or bundle inside the production possibility frontier shows inefficiency in the production while the point on the production possibility frontier shows the efficient production from the available resources. But, the point outside the PPF exhibits a non-achievable point.