b is your answer a high demands with high control job can be very stressful and cuase various things such as CVD
The three simple rules of menu planning are of the following
Rule #1: Always Check the calendar before making a menu plan. What nights do I have more/less time to cook? And are there any nights that require grab-and-go meals?
Rule #2: Know your limits. This goes hand-in hand with rile #1, because clearly you are limited by what is going on in your calendar for the week.
Rule #3: No more than one recipe that requires active, hands-on cooking is allowed on a given night! If I'm sauteing chicken or pork chops, the vegetable will not require much actual cooking.
Hope this helps!
Yes it is said just talking to someone can reduce the impact of the stress <span />
Simple, car accidents
All you gotta do is just be careful, or wait. So it's very easy to control. In other words, you gotta pay attention which is fairly easy.
glandes help the body by releasing chemicals to regulate the body
pittuitary gland and thyroid