public static void print_popcorn_time(int bag_ounces){
System.out.println("Too Small");
else if(bag_ounces>10){
System.out.println("Too Large");
System.out.println(bag_ounces+" seconds");
Using Java prograamming Language.
The Method (function) print_popcorn_time is defined to accept a single parameter of type int
Using if...else if ....else statements it prints the expected output given in the question
A complete java program calling the method is given below
public class num6 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int bagOunces = 7;
public static void print_popcorn_time(int bag_ounces){
System.out.println("Too Small");
else if(bag_ounces>10){
System.out.println("Too Large");
System.out.println(bag_ounces+" seconds");
Being able to communicate directly with constituents.
ability to build situational awareness speed in which information can be delivered directly to the public
Essentially, if you are seen to be someone who knows what you are doing, then even typing in a single-quote to a web form has been enough to be arrested and charged over in the past.
But lets say i'm writing a pen test tool that will be doing sqli testing and let it loose on sites that are 'out in the wild'. I'm not going to be doing dumps of any information. But is just the vulnerability scan itself illegal?
A query can have no more than three common interpretations is false. A query is a search through a source to find the answer to something. A common interpretation are the items that pop up in in the first spots of the search query because they are the most relatable to the question. A common interpretation usually answers the question, but there are times that the question is more complex and needs to be search for longer within the sources that pop up.