Panel interview: a conversation with 2+ of a hiring team
a group interview: a single interviewer , interviews multiple/group of people
a formal interview: one on one interview
a informal interview: an interview that takes place in a basic place such as an interview over lunch of coffee and etc
available credit -$6209
I'd need to know what exactly are these amounts for. Which are payments and which are charges?
If it's all charges then she over her credit limit and that doesn't make sense.
The total would be $12,209.
Which would make her available credit -$6209
Respuesta: Una enmienda
Una enmienda se refiere a cualquier modificación o cambio en un documento legal incluyendo una ley o incluso una constitución (documento que resume los principios y leyes de una nación). En el caso de una enmienda a la constitución el propósito de estas es adaptar las leyes y principios constitucionales a nuevas realidades o modificar aquellos que con el tiempo han resultado obsoletos e ineficientes. De esta forma la constitución logra adaptarse a nuevas realidades, épocas, situaciones, etc. En este contexto un cambio a la Constitución es una enmienda.
The intermediate sanction that offenders can receive, which requires them to attend a location daily to continue rehabilitation, is through the provision of services to the community.
Community service can be an intermediary sanction applied to offenders of minor crimes. The community service, in this case, requires that the offenders work for free in institutions determined by a judge, for a period of time also determined by that judge. These institutions promote some type of service performed to help a community. This work must be carried out every day in the same place, which will be chosen by the judge and the institution responsible for receiving the offender.