La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
La pregunta está incompleta ya que no ofrece opciones, referencias o un contexto en particular.
Sin embargo, haciendo una investigación extensa, podemos decir que se refiere a la situación que se vive en los mercados públicos en Perú, donde las aglomeraciones son comunes en estos mercados públicos.
¿Cuál es el conflicto que se presenta en esta situación?
El conflicto que se presenta es que las personas no están respetando el distanciamiento social al que ha invitado el gobierno para minimizar los contagios en esta época de pandemia. Al existir esas aglomeraciones, la gente se expone al contagio y muchos locatarios de esos mercados se han contagiado.
¿Por qué ocurre?
Esto ocurre porque la gente tiene necesidad de trabajar para ganar un dinero. La mayoría de esas personas viven al día. Si no trabajan, no comen. de igual manera, mucha gente de escasos recursos tiene que comprar su comida todos los días porque no tienen refrigeradores o electricidad en su casas.
¿Qué solución podría darse?
El gobierno podría ser más sensible a esta situación y no mandar a la fuerza policíaca porque eso genera más desobediencia y confrontaciones. El gobierno podía establecer algunos programas sociales que ayuden a la gente pobre del Perú.
In a true democracy, the rights of the individual are not fully protected. Instead, if they wanted their rights to be protected, the best way is to abandon democracy and convert it into a republic. In a republic, the rights of the individual are protected by the constitution. Hope this helps.
The main characteristics of the rebirth are:
- View of man as the center of the universes and the main element of the history of humanity.
- Importance of science and the use of rationality.
- The search for knowledge in the most diverse areas.
- Valorization of the Greco-Roman artistic aesthetic.
- Valuation of optimism.
- Valuing individualism.
- Enhancement of sensory pleasures.
The Renaissance was an artistic, cultural, scientific and philosophical movement that took place across Europe, beginning in Italy in the 15th and 16th centuries. This movement started with the advent of humanism that changed the whole theocentric view adopted at that time, placing Man as the center of the universe, in the place of deities, mysticism and religions. This influenced the existence of this whole movement that had as its main characteristics:
- View of man as the center of the universes and the main element of the history of humanity.
- Importance of science and the use of rationality.
- The search for knowledge in the most diverse areas.
- Valorization of the Greco-Roman artistic aesthetic.
- Valuation of optimism.
- Valuing individualism.
- Enhancement of sensory pleasures.
According to Lawrence Kohlberg, the age at which children achieve an understanding of gender as invariant across situations occurs at the same time when children begin to succeed on Piagetian conservation problems. Kohlberg argued that both achievements reflect the same stage of thinking.
From the point of view of L. Kolberg, the formation of a gender stereotype begins in the preschool years and depends on the general intellectual development of the child. This process is associated with the manifestation of self-categorization: assimilation of the idea of a man - a woman, defining oneself in one of these qualities, aligning one's behavior with the standard.