Examples of Beneficial Mutation. Mutation, a change in the sequence of genes, is divided into various types such as beneficial, harmful, and neutral, based on their effects. ... Germ-line mutation occurs in the germ cells, and is inherited by the offspring via the reproduction cells.
Alleles in the F1 must be Tt to have height variety in the F2.
the signals have different frequency
The way that interference is avoided in these cases is that the signals have different frequency. Cell phone signals travel in a very specific wavelength, how often this wave repeats in a given span is called the frequency. By having these signals in different frequencies it prevents the signals from mixing with each other and instead allowing them to reach their destination intact. Otherwise, the signals would combine into a mess of uncomprehensible data, which is what we call interference.
Since the child 4 years old WIC milk is better, it is highly nutritious, though cow milk may not has side effect on the child because at that age cholesterol cannot affect the child but help in brain development
I did this for my test and had them correct
1. strawberries
2. fish