Since Biodiversity means variety of living species on earth, different biomes provide habitats for those species. If there was no biomes then they would be no biodiversity. So the impact of biomes provide a living nature for those animals.
I don’t know what I just said lol. I’m dum so don’t like write everything I said. Change it up a little bit
Ribosomes,cytoplasm ,cell wall and circular DNA could be used to justify that the cell is a prokaryote.
Ribosome Ribosome is present in both prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell.The prokaryotic cell 70S ribosome which contain 2 subunits the larger subunit is 50S and the smaller subunit is 30s
Cell wall Prokaryotes such as bacterial cell contain cell wall.Cell wall of bacteria contain various carbohydrates which are crosslinked with peptides resulting in the formation of peptidoglycan.
Cytoplasm The cytoplasm of prokaryotic cell such as bacteria contain ribosomes,chromosome and extracellular genetic material called plasmid.
Circular DNA Almost all prokayotic chromosome contain circular DNA molecule that does not contain any free ends.
With nuclear fission, a large atomic nucleus (such as a uranium nucleus) breaks apart into smaller nuclei, and energy is released. With nuclear fusion, small atomic nuclei (such as hydrogen) join to become larger nuclei, and energy is released. Fusion of hydrogen releases much more energy than any other type of either fusion or fission. Note that the dividing line between heavy nuclei and light nuclei is the iron nucleus, which is at the perfect point of nuclear stability, so that neither fusion nor fission of iron nuclei would release any energy.